Wednesday, February 16, 2011

We need more stuff like this on TV

You can tell the creators are born in the 80s....

Wait the 80's had montages, the 90's has adult cartoons for wider audiences, what does this age have? matter a fact what is this generation called?

the 2000's? clue.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Getting the Ass in Gear

Hello all!!!

wow, first pressure at all.
Well I'm just getting the hang of all this blogger stuff and I'm trying to get this thing up to snuff, or at least up to being the way I envisioned this blog in my head so, bear with me...or if your my teacher who is looking at this blog I'm making for this by all means feedback is awesome :D  I really want to insert a picture here to show you how excited I am....will work on that later.

their will be many interesting things to come tho, like comics and doodles by me since I draw even when i shouldn't be....yea I'm that student thats always in the back of the class doodling obnoxiously. :P

But don't worry instead of doing your best to get a cramp in your neck to see what the heck I'm doing now you can just check here and see. :)